Frequently Asked Questions


What happens during my Fat Freezing procedure?

Following your consultation, your desired treatment areas will be marked and prepared for the Fat Freezing treatment.

FatGo™ uses Cryolipolysis technology by targeting specific fat cells. The fat cells in your tissue are more temperature-sensitive than your skin and hence are able to be frozen and suffer cell death.

A protective gel pad is placed on the surface of your skin and pre-selected nuisance fat will be suctioned into the FatGo™ applicator device.

You will feel pressure from the suction sensation (some experience mild discomfort) and the target area becomes numb from the cold. You are however able to rest comfortably at a temperature level you can request our therapist to customise for you.

Aside from educational chit chat with your therapist which you will find valuable, your treatment can be enjoyed whilst listening to your own music, watching a movie or just relaxing.

The nuisance fat area that was suctioned into the applicator device will produce a cold compacted mass of tissue. This is expected as a result of having effectively been frozen for treatment.

Once the procedure is over, the treated area will temporarily look puffy and red – this is normal!

The treated area will be gently massaged to begin the dissipation process as blood circulation and warmth return.

The sessions are usually around 60 minutes, depending on the size of the area.

How long does recovery take?

Good news! Typically, you will be free to continue with your regular activities, but we encourage you to be conscious of the targeted area and not strain yourself. We recommend you do not engage in exercise or wear very tight clothing which may irritate your treated skin.

FatGo™ is a non-invasive treatment, but some people still may feel a dull ache for a while. If you feel any nerve pain (which is rare), please call us.

In the weeks following the procedure, the fat from your treated area will be naturally excreted  from the body through the normal waste process. This fat is then gone from the body for good! Because the fat is removed gradually, it does not generally affect your day to day life.

How long will my results last?

Results may show in as little as 3 weeks through to 3 months, depending on how well and diligently you follow through on our customized dietary and exercise plan for you.  

It is important to bear in mind that every individual is different, and some may require more treatments than others.

As adults, we don’t produce new fat cells. While the size of your existing fat cells can increase and decrease, new cells aren’t created. What this means is that the number of cells destroyed and removed from the body through fat freezing, is permanent.

So that you can maintain your optimum weight and re-contoured looks, we recommend you persevere with the holistic personalized guidelines provided to you by our team to continue the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Most people can see up to a 20% fat reduction in the treated area after just one single treatment (individual results may vary). However, if a patient does resort to poor habits with food and becomes sedentary, the remaining fat cells can enlarge and undo their progress.