Do you have stubborn fat

that just won’t budge?

At FatGo™ Clinic we do not just help you to get rid of excess fat.

We will help you to make a prevention plan to keep excess fat off you.


FatGo™ Clinic The Good Gut People

Not all fats are created equal and not all fats are bad. In fact, moderate consumption of healthy fats as part of a personalized dietary plan is integral to good health. It is body fat accumulation that’s detrimental to your health and talking about fat is not vanity because excess body fat has ramifications.

Excess fat commonly known as bra bulge, love handles, tyres or saddle bags not only imposes stress on your joints but invariably lead to chronic disorders like diabetes type 2, obesity, heart, liver disease, etc.

Any or all factors ranging from chronic stress, genetics, gut, hormone, metabolic, or microbiome imbalances, unhealthy lifestyle choices, and lack of exercise, could add excess body fat to a person’s frame.

Because ageing further accelerates fat accumulation and predisposes people to health disorders, an ounce of proactive prevention to curtail excess body fat in earlier life may be worth a pound of cure later in life.

This is why FatGo™ Clinic has created a holistic offering underpinned by ongoing dietary and exercise support centered on reviving your overall health. We believe it is important to slow the fat accumulation process right from deep inside your gut, whilst fast tracking fat removal from the outside through globally used Fat Freezing technology called Cryolipolysis.

We are the good gut people.

FatGo Fat Freezing + Weight Loss Clinic 3

At FatGo™ Clinic, our point of difference is Body Re-contouring integrated with Holistic Weight Management practices.

Fat Freezing, also known as Cryolipolysis, is a simple, non-surgical procedure that helps remove excess fat . The treatment process causes ‘Fat Cell Death’, as a result of which dead frozen fat cells begin to be expelled through your lymphatic drainage system, thus delivering an outcome of improved body contour and shape.  But we are not stopping there.

Whilst our therapist will fast-track removal of fat from difficult outside areas such as banana roll, muffin tops or from below the buttocks that exercise cannot reach easily, our nutritionist and exercise therapist will work with you to upregulate your metabolism to make you feel better, inside and outside.

Their combined knowledge will be the support that can guide you in avoiding new fat gain by eating, exercising and sleeping smart. Their ideas can help distance you from unhealthy foods and improve your relationships with the right foods to put you on the pathway to improve the way you feel and look.

Either way, our attentive and holistic thought processes are dedicated to help you to a new, more healthier and confident you.

Whether you are planning for a big event like your engagement, wedding, birthday milestone or wanting to regain body shape after pregnancy, or have resolved you have had enough of excess fat, we are here to help. 


FatGo™ Clinic See Our Video Tour

Sited within The Face Doctors Clinic, 10 St Marks Road, Remuera, Auckland

Hi, I am Dr Mark Morunga introducing FatGo™, as the complete body contouring clinic to my Face Doctors, Hair Clinic and Essential Men’s Clinic services.

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online consultation.